Lash Extensions and Water: The Goldilocks Effect
Whether you’ve been wearing lash extensions for a while now or are relatively new to this beauty enhancement, chances are that you might still be a little confused about how they interact with water. And let’s face it: it’s only natural to be confused when you consider the different contradictory messages we hear every day. Some say that you should avoid water like the plague. Others suggest that water poses no real risk to your lash extensions. As usual, the truth is somewhere between those two extremes.
We’ll call it the Goldilocks Effect, since – like that little girl in the well-known children’s story – there is a happy medium where your lashes’ interaction with water will be “just right.”
First, let’s look at the extremes. At the first extreme, we have the “no water” argument. This is a valid point, of course, but it has only limited application for extension wearers. You see, it is true that you should avoid water for the first twenty-four hours after your lash extension application, to give the adhesive time to set properly. That means no showering, no steam, no facial washes, no swimming – no water.
At the other extreme, we have those who might think that they can expose their extensions to as much moisture as they want after that initial adhesive-setting phase has passed. As you might expect, that extreme is usually wrong as well. Too much water – and especially hot water – can break down the adhesive over time. In addition, some types of water, like the chlorinated water you find in the average pool, can have a seriously negative impact on your extensions.
So, what’s the solution, if neither extreme is right? The answer is simple: take the same approach Goldilocks took when she was trying out the accommodations at the Three Bears’ house and find that middle ground that’s just right for your needs.
Make no mistake; your eyelashes will need some water each day, to cleanse away dirt, debris, and any makeup that you might choose to wear. Just as important, that cleaning will help to ensure that you get rid of bacteria that can cause infection. To protect your eyes and your lashes, you should use a mild cleanser and gently clean those lashes daily, washing away the dirt and grime. Follow that up by gently brushing through the lashes to remove any remaining debris and moisture.
The fact is that many common lash extension problems are caused by improper care. If you can avoid excessive amounts of moisture without neglecting that important daily cleansing, you can also avoid most instances of irritation and infection – which can help you to better appreciate your lash extension experience.
At Ebenezer Eyelash, we know how important it is for our customers to receive the facts they need to better understand their new lives with lash extensions. Our experienced team is always here to ensure that you get the education you need, and the best lash extensions in New York City. To schedule your next appointment, give us a call today!
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