Lash Extensions and Your Shower Habits: What You Need to Know
The eyelash extension craze shows no sign of losing steam, as women continue to take advantage of the opportunity to finally have those perfect lashes they’ve always dreamed of. And maybe you’ve been thinking about trying them yourself, since they look so great on your friends. If so, just know that there are some important aftercare tips that you’ll need to remember. They cover several different areas of concern, but one of the most important has to do with your shadow habits. Here’s what you need to know when you’re showering with lash extensions.
Avoid Showering for at Least a Day
This is basic lash extension aftercare, but some women forget to heed its sage counsel. It is vital to remember that your extensions are glued to your natural lashes, using an adhesive. Like any adhesive, however, your lash glue will need time to properly set and bond with the supporting lashes. If you expose them to water, heat, steam, or other environmental factors, you could break down that adhesive and prevent it from forming a lasting bond.
Unfortunately, this is one of the main reasons why some women experience unusual lash shedding within the first twenty-four hours after an application. That first day is critical, so don’t neglect those aftercare concerns. The last thing you want is to see your gorgeous lashes fall out because you forgot to wait before taking a shower!
Hands Off!
I’ve always had a habit of rubbing my eyes in the shower. Sometimes, it’s just to remove some of the water that settles around the eyes as I’m standing under the shower head. At other times, it happens as I’m rinsing shampoo or conditioner out of my hair or rinsing away soap. This is a habit that I’ve tried hard to break in recent years, and it’s all due to a new understanding about how damaging that rub can be to my extensions.
You see, when you rub your eyes, you’re rubbing your lashes. And when you’re wearing lash extensions, that rubbing can bend them, pull at the adhesive, or even cause them to come loose and fall off. That last one is the worst-case scenario, of course, but it’s anything but uncommon. The good news is that there is a way to avoid it: stop rubbing your eyes in the shower. For that matter, stop rubbing them altogether. Your extensions will thank you for it.
Aside from aftercare needs and a determined effort to avoid habits that can harm your extensions, your shower ritual can probably proceed as usual.
At Ebenezer Eyelash, we know how important knowledge is when it comes to getting the most out of your lash extensions. Our trained and licensed staff is always here to help you learn what you need to know to maximize your experience, and work tirelessly to ensure that we continue to provide the best lash extensions in New York City. Give us a call today to learn how our lash extensions can change your life.
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