Four Quick Questions to Help You Decide: Are Lash Extensions Right for You?
There’s no denying it: eyelash extensions continue to be one of the hottest beauty trends in the developed world. Each day, women across America are discovering just how great their lives can be when they can look in the mirror and see perfect lashes staring back at them. Of course, extensions are still new enough that large numbers of American women have yet to give them a try. If you’re one of those women, chances are that you are still on the fence about whether they’re the right beauty option for your needs. These four questions may help you with that decision.
Are you satisfied with your natural lashes?
When you look at your eyelashes, what do you see? Are they shorter than you wish they were? Do they lack that perfect curl, thickness, and lush look that you truly crave? The reality is that very few people are born with ideal lashes. For far too many women, short, straight, and lifeless lashes are commonplace. If you’ve always wished that your lashes had more to offer, then it’s a safe bet that you should probably consider a trip to your local eyelash extension salon.
Would you like to set aside the mascara and give the natural look a try?
According to most estimates, the average woman spends more than a year of her life putting on or removing makeup, including mascara and other eye makeup. What could you do with an entire extra year of added time? In addition, think of the wear and tear you’re putting your lashes through with all of those mascara applications and removals. With lash extensions, you can stop trying to create the illusion of perfect lashes and finally enjoy the real thing.
Have you ever wished you had a little more glamor in your life?
If you’ve ever watched your favorite actress or model flutter her flawless lashes, you’ve no doubt wondered what it would be like to have lashes that perfect. After all, who doesn’t want a little bit of glamor in her life? With extensions, you can have that glamorous look and always be the center of attention.
Do you have a special event coming up and want to ensure that you look your best?
Even if you’re not intent on looking glamorous every day, there are always those special occasions that merit that extra spot of star appeal. So, if you have a wedding, company event, graduation, or other special occasion looming on the horizon, a fresh new set of eyelash extensions could be just the accessory you need to make a splash.
At Ebenezer Eyelash, our lash artists are committed to helping you answer life’s most pressing beauty questions, by providing the best lash extensions in New York City. If you’re ready to enjoy all the benefits that come with a perfect set of eyelashes, then give us a call today and schedule your first – or next – lash extension application appointment.
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