Receive 10% OFF with every visit to Ebenezer Eyelash!

How to receive 10% OFF using Facebook

Log on to your Facebook account, visit, like, and share the Facebook page of one of our locations using hashtag #EbenezerEyelash. Bring the proof to your next visit and receive 10% off eyelash services.

Korea Town Facebook Page

Garment District Facebook Page

*This offer is valid for a single time use only. Bring your proof to receive your 10% discount.

How to receive 10% OFF using Instagram

Take a selfie photo after visiting one of our shops. Your photo must reveal at least 80% of your face. Pst your selfie to your Instagram using hashtag #EbenezerEyelash. Bring the proof to your next visit and receive 10% off eyelash services.

*Bring your proof to receive your 10% discount.